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Zazen Alkaline Water System

  • Zazen BPA Free System
  • Image 2
  • Zazen Glass Tank option
  • Zazen Alkalising beads
  • Zazen Ceramic Filter
  • Zazen Glass Tank
  • Zazen Mineral stones
  • Zazen Multi Stage filter
  • Zazen Silver stones
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Product Description


I have always found the water from my taps to have a nasty taste and therefore avoided drinking as much as I need to to hydrate efficiently.

I have personally been using the The Zazen Alklaine Water System for almost a year now and I am so impressed with it, I decided to add it to my site to share this amazing drinking experience with my customers. The fact that this system has a Magnetic Tap with a 1200 gauss magnet further convinced me that Zazen understand the benefits of magnetising your water.

Our tap Water has been chlorinated and flouride added along with many bacteria and debris from the pipes it travels through to get to our homes. Those who understand how these additives adversely affect our bodies will appreciate how important it is purify the water we drink.

The Zazen Water System transforms our drinking water to how Mother Nature intended it to be, Pure, Clean and Healthy.

Some of the benefits to drinking this water are mentioned below.

 Alkalises the water - pH around 7.4 (can increased up to 8.5 pH when our Alkalinity and Ani-Oxident Enhancer is used), this will depend of your source of your water.

  Reduces the Flouride by up to 90%

 BPA & Phthalate Free system as standard with the option of adding a Blue Glass Bottom tank if this is your preference.

 The tap has an inbuilt 1200 Guass Magnet further enhancing the structure and benefits of the water 

 Filters harmful poisonous heavy metals and other bacteria down to 0.2 micron

 Hydrates your body instantly at a cellular level

 Nourishes your body with a balanced range of essential minerals and electrolytes

 Cleansing your water which enables your cells to release toxic waste effectively  click here  to find out more.

How does it work?

 The Zazen Alkaline Water system has been designed to emulate Mother Nature's natural water filtration and remineralisation process. Water in nature filters slowly through Mother Earth before bubbling through a pristine spring, full of energy and lifeforce, essentially living water.

Our drinking water becomes contaminated in two main forms: Bacterial and chemical. With a State of the art 10 stage process, the Zazen Alkaline Water filter system works to clean your water, reducing bacterial and chemical contamination, and then rebalance, remineralise, protect and restructure the water so that you enjoy the very best alkaline drinking water full of essential health benefits.

This system has been designed by Zazen in collaboration with leading Japanese and Korean water scientists, specifically for Australian and New Zealand water supplies.



CERAMIC FILTER - Replace every 12 months

 Constructed of highly compressed and fired Diatomite earth with a pore size 0.2 - 0.5 micron

  Removes rust, sediments and organic matter

•  Stops bacteria, cysts, parasites and hazardous micro-organisms


STAGE 2 to 7

MULTI STAGE FILTER CARTRIDGE - Replace every 4-6 months (6 months for single user, 4 months for family of office use)

Stage 2 - Silver Activated Carbon

•  High quality silver activated carbon inhibits bacteria and growth in the filter

•  Reduces Chlorine, herbicides and pesticides, industrial poisons, organic Chemicals, odours and particulates click here

•  A purifying surface area of over 68 acres! (Silver is NOT released into the water)

STAGE 3 - Flouride Reduction

•  Designed for the effective filtration and reduction of up to 90%  Flouride in treated water supplies.

STAGE 4 - Activate Zeolite

•  Inhibits bacteria and traps heavy metals such as lead, aluminium, nickel, cadmium and mercury

•  Removes detergents, ammonium, agricultural chemicals and other toxins

STAGE 5, 6 & 7 -Bio Ceramic Pi, FIR Energy Balls and Salica Sand

•  Constructed from highly compressed diatomaceous earth and mineral oxides

•  Emits beneficial Far-infrared to energise the water and Pi Energy to enhance bioavailability

•  Provides additional filtration to balance pH and neutralises acidic componments in tap water

•  Polishes" the water for brilliant clarity and sparkle

•  Infuses natural silica - renowned for strengthening collagen or radiant hair and nails


Natural Mineral Stones (1kg box) Replace every 5 years (grey colour)

•  Contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silicon and other trace minerals WHO - the World Health Orgnisation recommends drinking water containing all these minerals.

•  Helps balance, fortify and assist wth pH and increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water

•  Zazen Mineral Stones are mined from pristine deposits 300+ metres below the earth's surface without damage to the environment


 Silver Stones (500 gram box) Brown in colour - Replace every 12 months

•  Silver is a natural anti-bacterial agent which by design keeps the lower tank clean and maintenance free - you only need to clean the bottom tank once a year!

•  The Zazen Silver stones naturally preserve the freshness of the water in the Zazen tank through this anti-bacterial effect - ensuring the best quality water is ready to drink all day every day. (The Silver is NOT released into the water)


Magnetic Erergy 1200 Gauss Tap

•  In this final stage we surround the water with magnetic energy - just as spring water is exposed to the earth's magnetic energy.

•  Restructures - magnetising water creates a free flowing hexagonal structure and also breaks down the size of the water clusters for faster, immediate cellular hydration.

•  As the water tumbles through the magnetic tap, oxygen is increased (a natural anti-oxident)  SEE YIN YANG Water block on this website. CLICK HERE



Capacity: 8 Litres in lower tank (both plastic and glass tanks) and 4 litres in the upper tank.

Dimensions: Base diameter 300mm


    • with BPA-free Pastic Bottom tank 575mm

    • with Glass Bottom Tank 555mm

Weight: 5.3kg including all filters and stones  -  Glass Bottom Tank is an additional 3.4kg.

Warranty:  90 Day Money Back Guarantee and 5 year Product Warranty on the Zazen Alkaline Water System to be free from any defects.

Installation - No plumbing or power required

Plastic Type:  Disphernol-A (BPA) and Phthalate free

Glass Type: Hand Blown, Blue tinted glass, This is NOT toughened Glass.

The System comes ready to set up and includes

    •  1 Multi Stage Filter Cartridge

    •  1 Ceramic Filter

    •  1 Silver Stones (brown in colour)

    •  1 Mineral Stones (grey in colour)

    •  1 Magnetic Tap 1200 Guass

    •  1 FREE Alkalinity & Antioxident Enhancer


Products can be picked up from Belgrave South or can be sent directly to you from my supplier FREE postage for the system.

NOTE:  The Zazen Alklaine Water System comes with a BPA FREE tank, if you wish to add the Blue Handblown Glass tank to your order, you will receive one system with the BPA tank and an EXTRA glass tank.

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Product Reviews

  1. Great water

    Posted by Keith - The Basin on 10th Nov 2021

    As a bloke I didn't really see the benefit of drinking water and didn't really like the taste of the tap water anyway. I was told about all the chemicals, flouride etc that was in our water and how this wasn't good for me, so I thought I would give this Zazen Water System a try. I have to admit I really like the smooth taste and I am finding that now that I am hydrating my body more, I am not getting the headaches that I used to get. I'm glad I purchased this now.

  2. Best Water I have ever tasted

    Posted by Gina Wright - Melbourne on 10th Nov 2021

    As I try to drink a lot of water, I wanted to find pure healthy water without all the chemicals and flouride etc that is in our tap water. I tried boiling water and drinking it when it was cold and I also bought filters but they didn't remove the flouride and many of the other debris etc that is in our water.
    A friend showed me her Zazen Water Alkalising system and after trying it I was hooked and bought one straight away. As I am a customer of Magnetic Attraction for many years I was so happy to find that Gerardine was selling these. Love love love this water!I also have the Water magnetising block and I fill my water jug from the Zazen and put it onto my Yin Yang water block which I also bought sometime ago from this site, and it tastes even smoother. TRY IT, you will love it!

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