May assist animals with Arthritis, joint problems, poor appetite. Fleas and mite just hate the magnets, so they stay away from a pet wearing a magnetic collar or sleeping on the magnetic pet beds.
We have found that our dogs and cats prefer to drink the North polarised (alkaline) magnetic water, we have 2 containers of water, one with the magnetised water and one without, the magnetised water is always used first, so we are confident that our animals prefer to drink it.
The Magnetic Attraction pet collar has been produced using the best quality materials. High powered rare earth permanent magnets have been placed in the collar making sure that the NORTH (Alkaline) side of the magnet is facing your animal.
The magnetic collar can be used as a normal collar, it has a strong buckle with a metal D ring for attaching your walking lead. It is fully adjustable and comes in 4 sizes from extra small to Large and we have colors ranging from Black, Dark Green, Royal Blue, Red, Purple, yellow and for the trendy pet....... Hot Flouro Pink!
Showing reviews 1-10 of 24 | Next
Posted by Leonora on 24th Jun 2021
Purchased this magnetic collar after hearing about it from a friend.
My 12yo dog who has become progressively more careful in her movements over the last year particularly in the cold weather, now is much happier to get up and go in the morning, and also is overall more spritely. Took it off for a few days and watched her go downhill (but only for as long as it took to see the change). It has made a difference to her quality of life.
Posted by Brit And Callum Read on 27th Nov 2018
Our boy Floyd has been in and out of vets trying to assist in his sore arthritic hips and joints, due to his condition the vet has said that surgery will be needed and injections of all sorts but Since wearing the collar we have noticed a huge improvement in Floyd’s mobility and he seems happier and in less pain. The collars are great and the service was fantastic. Thankyou! Look forward to ordering more products.
Posted by Unknown on 23rd Jun 2018
Product is excellent, it's high quality and the service was exemplary.
Noticeable difference in my dog, he's moving around much better now.
Posted by Tanya Chester on 26th Aug 2017
Hi Gerry
Kobe was in a bad way and starting to moan and whimper at night...
I was ready to try anything....
The magnetic mat and collar has made such an amazing improvement I am in shock...
He is 15 and geriatric... Slow to struggle to feet... Losing control of bladder and back legs.. Going into the splits while standing... So slow... Wanting to lie down most of the day.. Too scared to use stairs as he would fall up and down them... Couldn't run any more
First morning after a night on the mat...
I couldn't believe he sprinted 40 metres down to the gate eager for a walk!
We have had only one wee accident in house in 5 days.. Instead of 2 a day
Today I was hanging out washing and he came down the back stairs and out into the back lane and took himself for a walk and came back 10 mins later.. Up the stairs and back inside... This is a dog who is mostly blind and afraid to go off on his own...and it's not been a week on the mat.
He was on skid row last week and this week I feel confident we have a lot more time left...
The mat is well made and attractive...and great that it goes over his existing bed.
I have attached a few short videos of him running which he has been doing for the past 5 mornings... 3 bursts of about 30 metres... That's his record...!
And a big thank you
Posted by Robyn Meyers on 9th Jun 2017
Thank you Gerri, magnetic collar working a treat on Tess whippet (14 years old, so slow and sad, is now back running and playing), such a huge improvement with no other change but wearing magnetic collar.
I am so rapt to have a happy again Jackson who is also wearing magnetic collar though hard to see under all that fur.
Haven't seen the Jackson grin for over 9 months ! Thank you!
Posted by DVD Queen on 13th Sep 2016
Thank you! These collars really help ease the old boys arthritis, he's a different dog when he's wearing it, thank you
Posted by Trish on 21st Jun 2016
Hello Gerri,
Great news....after just a few days of wearing his new collar from you, Marley is waking up with no apparent stiffness or soreness from diagnosed arthritis. He is a much happier dog...thank you so much for making these collars available.
I have written to Marley's vet to tell her the good news.
Best wishes,
Posted by Cathy - Qld on 6th May 2016
Thanks Geradine,
We received our dogs collar a few days ago. I think within a day our 10 year old lab was bouncing around like she was several years younger.
Posted by Judy Vogels. on 25th Apr 2016
Hi Geralidine.
Was speaking to you about my improvement in my Labrador who suffered with stiffness in rising from sitting.
at the Akkonah market this Sunday just gone.
Purchased your collar saw a big improvement after a week.
His now running around the backyard like a grey hound.
So happy I gave your products a try.
And jet thanks you to.☺️
Posted by Judith on 4th Feb 2016
Hi Geradine
Lovely to chat to you today & yesterday, thanks for your help for Suzie my 13yr old pig.
My dog Eliza who is 5.5 yrs old who had a very sore right shoulder not sure what she had done to herself but had tried a few different treatments on her but nothing worked so looked up magnetic dog collars & came across your web page so ordered a collar so nice of you to ring the next day to make sure I had right size. Put it on her as soon as it arrived & within a couple of days she seemed a lot happier & more playful with other dogs. Within 3 weeks she she was walking most of the time without a limp & now 5 weeks on she only limps when she has been on a long run with me when I am out riding my horse but fine again by the next day. Thanks for helping my girl will recommend them to anyone.
She is back to her happy self after months of pain :)
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